Transforming isolated places into Creative Spaces

We're collecting donations and support for artists in need during the current global health crisis. This online gallery will be updated with highlights from the #SupportCreativeSpaces movement.

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Fundraiser: our success depends on you

Our gallery is 100% supported by our Facebook fundraiser. Donations to Creative Spaces are distributed to the artists whose work we showcase.

We can't help artists without you. Help us support as many artists as possible by donating to our fundraiser. We believe art creates community and we need your help to build that community.

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Donate your art

If you're an artist who doesn't need financial assistance but would like to contribute, you can help us build our movement by donating artwork to help artists in need.
Contact us if you'd like to contribute to the cause.

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Donated Art

Here you can see the latest works donated to our project to help us raise awareness of other artists in need. Theses artist took up the our challenge. See how they transformed their isolated places into Creative Spaces.

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